Management and Business Consultant
“The only constant in the universe is change.“
– Heraclitus of Ephesus
The relevance of change management is unbroken: in the next few years, no organisation will be able to do without vital transformation processes. In addition to the daily business and projects in the companies, it is, however, about no less than an authentic mindset change in the organisation. On the one hand, to act quickly, flexibly, and proactively on internal company concerns, to which the organisational core competencies belong, and on the other hand, to take your employees along on the path to a new corporate culture that integrates the employees. In a digital and increasingly agile and fast-moving world, the first thing that matters in this context is the right insight, followed by communication and corresponding motivation that includes all those involved, and finally, the joint implementation of the transformations. This will determine whether what a company represents will continue to be successful in the future. For organisations and their employees, this can sound like a horror scenario—or as a huge opportunity. This is precisely where the wheat is separated from the chaff because it should be anchored in every company mindset that the complex, new demands on organisations are an undreamt-of opportunity for further development for a company and its employees.

How to cite this chapter:
Zeier, Patric (2020). Implementing Change: a Review of International Best Practices. In T. Endress (Ed.), Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change (pp. 193-219). Hamburg: Tredition.
Zeier, Patric. “Implementing Change: a Review of International Best Practices.” In Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change. edited by Tobias Endress, 193-219. Hamburg: Tredition, 2020.
P. Zeier. “Implementing Change: a Review of International Best Practices,” Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, Hamburg: Tredition, 2020, pp. 193-219.
Zeier, Patric. “Implementing Change: a Review of International Best Practices.” Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, edited by Tobias Endress, Tredition, 2020, pp. 193-219.
Patric Zeier, ‘Implementing Change: a Review of International Best Practices’, in Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, ed. by T. Endress (Hamburg: Tredition, 2020), pp. 193-219.
Patric Zeier, “Implementing Change: a Review of International Best Practices,” in Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, ed. Tobias Endress (Hamburg: Tredition, 2020), 193-219